Student Support

 Spring Parks Primary School seeks to provide a strong foundation for student learning, with student engagement and wellbeing as a whole school priority. We believe that student wellbeing is everyone’s responsibility and that social and emotional wellbeing underpin effective student learning and positive behaviour. As such, our school is implementing the “Berry Street Educational Model (BSEM)”.

At Spring Parks, we have a large number of Education Support Staff that are very committed and dedicated to their roles in working with children on the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) or the Literacy Support Program.

We pride ourselves on being very dedicated to addressing the social and emotional needs of each and every student at our school and we extend this support to include parents and carers and other family members.

SPPS seeks to encourage the active participation of all members of the school community so they feel respected, happy, safe, secure and successful.

At Spring Parks Primary School we recognize that we are preparing young people for their adult lives and, as such, focus on the development of student social competencies by embedding such learning opportunities into our curriculum, pedagogy, behaviour management responses, expectations and structures.

Our positive and supportive school culture is reflected in our school motto:

Learning and Growing – Safely – Together

At Spring Parks Primary School our staff, programs and processes seek to promote the behavioural, emotional and cognitive engagement and development of every student. We consult with students, parents/carers and other important family members, support organisations and the broader community to ensure we are responsive to students’ social, emotional, cognitive and cultural needs.

Restorative Practices

We recognise that positive relationships form the basis for emotional, behavioural and cognitive engagement and wellbeing.

The school utilises Restorative Practices to encourage engagement, respect and responsibility in each individual student. This philosophy forms the basis for respectful communication, relationships and how to respond to behavioural issues.

Whole – School Wellbeing and Community Connectedness Programs

SPPS seeks to encourage, develop and maintain student connectedness to school through various programs and activities:

Breakfast Club (before school) – to provide a morning meal, pro-social interaction and life-skill development opportunities, as well as connection with the broader community through the participation of community volunteers (supported by various organisations, including Bunnings Australia, Officeworks and Christ Church Dingley).

Parenting Groups and Classes –  parents & friends computer classes and English language classes – to build strong relationships between parents and carers and the school and to support the needs of our students’ families.

Social & Emotional Learning classes for all students – through targeted programs delivered by our Student Wellbeing Support Officer and network SSSOs.

Protective Behaviours for Preps – to assist students in developing self-awareness and a language around personal safety. To promote resilience using empowerment strategies, clear communication, and awareness of “safe” and positive behaviours.

Social Skills Groups/Programs – Targeted, small group programs for students as an early intervention strategy for friendship/relationship difficulties and general social skill development.

School Leadership program – to provide opportunities for all students to contribute to the school community through:

    • Year 6 Leadership opportunities, including School Captains, House Captains and other special duties
    • Junior School Council, accessible to all children from Years 2 – 6



Angela Rousseau and Sarah Shahsavand – Student Wellbeing Support Officers

Angela and Sarah support students across both campuses through individual and group sessions.

School Nurse

The school nursing service is offered at Spring Parks. The school nursing program offers an assessment of all children during their first year at school. It also offers assessment of children in Year 1-6 where students have been referred by teachers or parents. The School Nursing Program covers general health, dental, speech and vision development checks.


Spring Parks Primary school has access to a team of Psychologists to provide support for children as required.