Parents & Community

Sporting Schools

Spring Parks Primary School is involved in the Sporting Schools program again this year. This program is delivered nationally and is designed to engage children in structured physical activities. The after-school program offers fun, safe and inclusive activities providing children with the opportunity to develop essential motor skills and an enthusiasm for being active.


Playgroup runs on Tuesday’s from 9am – 11am at our West Campus. A playgroup is a group of parents or caregivers with their babies, toddlers and preschool children who get together regularly for play and social interaction. 

For more information please see the Playgroup Victoria website


Interpreters are available for all school events, information nights, prep transition sessions, parent/teacher interviews, workshops and for conversations concerning your child. We also provide multi-cultural aides for children as required. Please contact the office for further information.

School Council

The school council is responsible for the management of the school, including finances, buildings, grounds and equipment. The school council reports to parents through a formal written report and an annual meeting, as well as articles in the newsletter. School council elections are held each year, usually in March. School Council is made up of elected parents, elected teachers, the Principal and provision for 2 co-opted members. Any parent of a child at the school can be nominated for school council.

Currently our School Council includes the following parent members:

     * Pheaktea Pich – President

     * Shirley Mach 

     * Simone Beveridge

     * Crystal Moon

     * Ratana Sok

     * Sheryl Huynh