Health and Physical Education

The Health and Physical Education program focuses on students enhancing their own and others health, safety, well-being and physical activity participation.

The curriculum helps to support students to lay the important early foundations of play and fundamental movement skills. It focuses on the acquisition and refinement of a broad range of movement skills, teaching of resilience, decision making, a stronger sense of self, team work and the acquisition of movement skills to enable lifelong participation in a variety of physical activities.

At Spring Parks Primary School all students participate in a 1hr weekly PE class, while students in Grades 5 and 6 also play competition sports (inter-school sports) against other local Primary Schools on a Friday. All students also participate in Health Education lessons with their classroom teachers.

In addition, to our PE program students are also involved in school programs such as

  • Footsteps
  • Ballet
  • Athletics
  • Cross Country
  • 2 week intensive Swimming Program
  • After school sporting programs held at school (Sporting Schools)
  • Clinics from outside sporting associations (AFL Football Clinics, Basketball clinics etc).
  • Just Get Active
  • Smart Moves